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How to Create Killer Advertising and Promotional Literature

How to Create Killer Advertising and Promotional Literature

by December 19, 2019 Marketing, Tips

Writing sales copy and promotional material and literature is one thing, but how do you know all of your hard work and effort is going to get those calls to action that you are so desperately seeking.

Below are just a few tips and snippets of advice plus some information that will hopefully help you create that killer literature that gets you the results you want.

  1. Research your audience. Find out what they read and what they don’t, find out what makes them take action and what doesn’t. Conduct both primary and secondary research to help you find out what will work for your customers/audience and save yourself both time and money in the long run.
  2. Do test the waters, and run a few trial and error experiments. For example get a few samples of each of the literature and material you want to use produced, printed up and sent out, and then record the result. Don’t try too many methods or different ways at once, but remember that doing this will help you see early on what your audience likes and what they don’t.
  3. Seek professional advice. Sometimes it is hard to write copy that sells, and sometimes it is difficult to put across and sell the benefits of your product/business rather than its advantages, this is where a professional could leap into action and help you out.TOP TIP: Good Professional copywriters should know language and writing style your target audience and market respond to.
  4. Study your competitors – get to know them better than they know themselves. Get ahead and stay ahead of the game. Study all of your indirect competitors and direct competitors material, and find out what has worked for them and what hasn’t.
  5. Dare to be different and dare to be creative. Start brainstorming and try to come up with effective and alternative ways to get your advertising out there and seen by your target market/audience. Start a scrapbook of literature, material, colours and styles that you think might work for you.
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask. Professional advice both paid for and free is out there.
  7. When writing or drafting out your literature and material, keep your target market and audience constantly in your head. Always think what will they want, what do they want to know, what do they need.
  8. Remember not to over complicate your material, as it may result into fall of your medical practice marketing sales, which latterly can impact on your financial conditions. By this I mean don’t try to cover too much all in one go. Don’t make your literature into an essay, and definitely don’t make it cluttered. Give your customer just enough information that makes them curious and interested in you and what you have to offer.

I hope you have found this article both useful and helpful, and I wish you every success with creating killer literature and material that sells.
