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Top Five Social Networking Sites For Business And Personal Use

Social networking sites are used for a number of reasons, both personal and business related. The Internet is an ever growing resource that allows anyone, anywhere to access information with the click of a button. For those who are using social networking to promote their business this can be an extremely valuable tool. The biggest issue that a website owner will have will be getting traffic to their site. Without traffic and without promotion a site will not be indexed (or found) in a search engine. And if a site is not in a search engine there is no way that anyone will find it. But the biggest question remains – what are the top social networking sites, and what are they used to promote?

Before moving on to the list, I want to mention I am not going to tackle networking sites like Facebook and Myspace which can be great social networking tools. The reason is because they tend to rely on you already being established and having a reasonably large friends listing or where you have to seek people out to send information. I am going to target social networking sites that do not have that requirement. Basically the premise is you post and through social networking they find you, not the other way around.


I admit I use Twitter and first wondered what in the world it was good for if I didn’t already have friends there. (And none of my friends are remotely interested in this site either.) I joined out of curiosity and am glad I did. Even though I essentially started sending “tweets” to no one but myself, other people quickly found me that had similar interests. Now I can send out information of what I am doing and working on, but I can get information from other people that might help me out with what I am doing. When you send out a tweet it is very limited in length, so you are only sending a sentence on what you are doing at that particular moment. It is a great asset to building your social network, and you do not have to do anything – just sign up and send tweets, others will come and find you.


Accepts stories and articles related to just about anything – if you can write it they are willing to post it. However, they do have a strict policy about spam, so if they feel that your post is spam it will be removed. In addition to writing stories, you can join groups and learn about or share common interests. It is a great social networking tool for those who like to write and share with others that may be surfing around the Internet.


Similar to Propeller, you write and submit stories and articles for other people to find and read. When your story is “Digg”-ed it is promoted by the site, any story that is un-“Digg”-ed is eventually removed. It also has a Recommendation Engine which identifies your interests and then connects you to people with similar interests. This is where the social networking part comes in – the site finds people to social network with for you. Eventually your writing will connect you with those who are interested in the same topics and you can promote or share information. The purchasing of the instant followers can be done for attain fame at the social sites. The person will become the star at the social networking sites at through the real followers.

A slightly unusual site that promotes social networking of blogs rather than individual articles. Each blog is “book marked” when you choose it and you can share the sites you are looking at with friends. I especially like this option for social networking because you are not limited to sharing information with one or two articles. Instead, you can share your whole thought process or experience with a particular topic. Finally there is a subscription and networking feature that allows you to share with other members the sites that you have found to be the most interesting.


Matches your interests with websites that are listed with StumbleUpon. This allows you to network indirectly with other people because the search engine brings your site to other people with similar interests. Eventually your site or blog will be shared with others that may have not found you otherwise. Also, like you can promote through networking and subscriptions.

All these sites provide you different ways of networking though mini-sentences or phrases, articles, or fully published websites or blogs. They provide a means to “introduce” yourself to people that you have never met (and probably wouldn’t have otherwise.) On a personal level it allows you to meet new people, and for businesses it allows for a level of promotion that you may not have been able to achieve otherwise.

Set Up A Home Gym In Between Workouts

It is sufficient to say that not everyone is the same but also, not every piece of workout equipment is the same. Many of the gyms in Naples FL are known for their experienced trainers and equipment. For those people who are in weight training but are doing it the safe way and working out every other day instead of everyday, still need to maintain some sort of workout that is less strenuous in between workouts. Setting up a home gym to keep you tone is the best way to achieve this.

The best equipment you will try to look for is the ones that will give you mainly upper and lower toning exercises. The in between workouts do not need to be extravagant and neither does the budget for you to do them. Even some simple weights, maybe a pull up bar, jump rope and of course you can go full out by getting a machine for all the options you want. Some days you might just want to keep it really simple and others you might want to add more variety to the exercises you are doing.

Here are some recommendations for each and what they will accomplish for you:

Simple Weights: I would not recommend going any higher than a 50 pound set. You can do curls and other simple exercises in a short amount of time getting the near same results as any other set of weights, but with less cost.

Jump Rope: This will not only benefit the arms, but the abs, legs and cardio that you need for every workout. Try doing this while listening to music you will be surprised at how much further you can go when your right brain is focusing on the artistic side of music allowing you to not get bored with the task at hand.

Stretch resistant bands: These things are actually almost more beneficial than weights in my opinion. They are safer and more versatile allowing to work out all of the major muscle groups.

Exercise machines: Two of the more popular ones these days are the treadmill or and the elliptical machine. They both offer convenience and versatility to your workout as well as most of the resistance you need to stay toned. Both of which will also assist in your cardio portion of the workout. The elliptical machine has different more inventive ways to work out.

Exercise videos: You cannot just use the video alone you will also need to incorporate something such as weights or the resistance bands or also an exercise ball. This will provide you with the freedom from having to be inventive and also free up your mind for instructions. Sometimes people just need to be instructed to get the best benefit.

Whatever you decide to do please keep in mind the safety factors and always listen to your body. Stop when you are in pain or get the first signs of being in pain and hydration is important. Keep a bottle of water handy at all times and do not hesitate to stop and take a drink when you need it.

Product Review: Bic Comfort 3 Pivot Razor For Removing Hairs

It seems as though Bic razors have dominated the disposable razor market for quite some time, starting with those ugly little orange and white single-blades back in the old school of shaving. The new Bic Comfort 3 pivot reinforces that position. The rasierapparat should be selected after making a comparison in the market. Online stores will provide fewer rates for the products that can be affordable for the average earning person.

You see, they just haven’t chosen the razor-revolutionizing route of the new school of shaving. Razors nowadays are quite laughable; they feature a plethora of unnecessary hoo-ha’s, such as 4 (quatro) blades, manipulative packaging, and goofy grips. This can be seen as the marketing ploy for everything it is worth – most of consumers’ money does go diredtly to the advertising – or it can actually be believed. Perhaps Bic does recognize the competition, and do subsequently cop out in that regard, but their approach should be more conservative in the future. Not only would this target a major market of men who don’t want some fancy-schmancy blade, it would also send the dorks who want stupid blades to other companies, forcing them to keep improving and producing new blades.

But men who actually believe that a fourth blade will help them out in the short run will probably need something for the road, eventually. Although men travel it should be considered good practice to carry a shaving kit that is easily ready for use, so as to not produce unnecessary garbage with plastic blades, sometimes they are necessary. Chances are that if you’re the type of guy that buys a corny razor blade in the first place, you’re not going to be respectable enough to carry a high class shaving kit on your travels.

The Bic Comfort 3 Pivot Razor is that perfect corny blade. It’s bright green and black plastic exterior with diagonal contour grip is the perfect blade to travel with. It features: pivot head, triple blade comfort, and aloe  amp; vitamin across its gel strip. Surprisingly, all of which work quite well. In fact, it does its job far better than corny blades. I, myself, have used a variety of Gillette blades in the past [before reverting back to a beard], all of which produce terrible disposables – they hack at the skin like badger claws and can rarely be used more than once. But the Bic Comfort 3 Pivot Razor’s features are actually worth the extra $.15. The pivot head is nice and loose, but not too loose so as to wobble through strokes; the three blades each stay sharp; and the aloe  amp; vitamin actually spread across the skin, producing a delectable amount of lubrication. And I actually figured out what the tennis-ball green was all about: so you can find your razor in the dark while in a rush!

Bic Comfort 3 Pivot Razor is the first disposable I’ve ever bought that actually shaves well. It’s amazing to see a razor that doesn’t come with blades that aren’t dubiously dull or unusable after three strokes across my grizzled face. Indeed it’s amazing to see a disposable razor that fairs well in the new school of shaving – too bad the packaging has to be so darn ugly. If Bic just went back to its ugly orange and white, things would be so much better.

How a Photographer Creates Stunning Halloween Self Portraits

Amanda Chapman does not consider herself a make up artist, but anyone viewing her visual masterpieces would beg to differ. The North Alabama photographer has embraced the imagination and visual oddities of the Halloween spirit in a month long project which she titled “31 Days of Halloween.” Each day, beginning October 1st, Chapman spent two or more hours transforming herself into a different character. And you can do it in Florida with the help of expert photographers Naples FL as well.

“I absolutely love Halloween,” she said. “I literally wait on it all year long. I actually thought of this project on a whim, and decided it would be a great idea to dress up as all of the characters I’ve always wanted to be for Halloween. I calculated that I would be almost eighty years old if I only did these once a year, so why not once a day?”

Chapman has never applied dramatic make up to anyone aside from her own children, ages 15 and 11, but the challenges of physical transformation were overcome with the help of Halloween make up found at Walmart, K Mart and Spirit, as well as liquid latex, cotton, cheese cloth and other house hold items. To turn herself into a very stern-looking and convincing Grinch on day 15, she used cotton, liquid latex, paint and a green scarf she had lying around the house. For day 21, she used a gellitan, hot water and Glycerin Skin Protectant mix to create the burned and drooping skin of Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street). Other costumes included a bearded and easily recognizable Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean), Effie Trinket of the Hunger Games fame, Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat, a withered and haunted looking mummy, and a zombie that would easily be at home on the set of the popular zombie survival drama The Walking Dead (AMC). Harry Potter’s Voldemort also made an appearance, and Chapman’s Jigsaw portrayal from the Saw movies is so horrifically accurate, the viewer is left feeling a bit uneasy at the character’s penetrating gaze.

The two hour long make up sessions combined with Chapman’s own photography skills created a gallery of images that hooked fans from miles around. “I was very surprised that so many people were checking in every day to see what my next Halloween character would be,” she said. “It felt so amazing to see my work inspiring everyone to be in the Halloween spirit!”

Chapman’s children were also pulled in to the fun. “At first they didn’t think much about it,” the photographer admits. “They know how much I love Halloween and how much I love to dress up every year. But as the month went on, when I picked them up from school, the first thing they would ask was, ‘So mom, what were you today? Can we see the picture?’ It made my day.”

Chapman certainly paid a price for putting so much effort into making each character realistic and authentic. “Getting liquid latex off of my skin and out of my hair was the worst!” she exclaimed. One of her more difficult characters was Pinhead of 1987’s Hellraiser. The caption under this posting on day 18 of the project reads, “This has been the hardest make up to do and I was just happy to get the pins (nails) to stay attached to my face.” While she endured the hard work of this project alone, she jokingly said, “About halfway through it, I would have given about a thousand dollars to have some help!”

Her favorite costumes were the Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland, the zombie and a pointy-chinned, crooked nosed witch. Despite overwhelming support and interest in her project, the humble Chapman is still hesitant to call herself a make up artist. “There are so many talented people out there who deserve that title more than myself,” she said.

Battle Weaponry- Best Friends For Soldiers

When was the last time when you saw some good content movie in the theatre or television? It is something that is being sorely missed nowadays what with sleaze and adultery dominating the big screen with no scope for substance but only style is ruling the roost.

As far as realistic plotlines are concerned, one genre that never fails to bring a lump in our throat is patriotism. Yes, patriotic films are the ones that are enjoyed by people of all age-groups, regardless of the time period as they instill a sense of nationalism in their viewers and by making them proud of their motherland.

It prompts many youngsters to serve their country that has given them a sense of pride and their own identity which cannot be explained into words, which results in people joining their army, navy, air force and protect their borders from enemy countries.

While this is seen as outdated among the youth brigade of today and many people consider hyper nationalism as toxic in nature by quoting a famous phrase ‘patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel’.

For soldiers, weapons are the most important arms that help them in giving enemies the crushing defeat of their lifetime by making them think twice before even thinking of attacking their country again.

Ozark Armament Razorback

When it comes to army personnel, there are a number of things that aids them in their mission of guarding the country borders day and night with little respite from the merciless climactic conditions.

This is a step in the right direction as army men have been generally neglected by the federal government by not providing them with adequate facilities, despite their presence on the border being the very reason why civilians can sleep peacefully at night.

In this article, we are not going to talk about dangerous weapons or food supplies as they have been discussed numerous times but about an item that can be considered far more important.

Rifle Scope is the topic of discussion for today as it helps the soldiers to lookout for activities across the border so that they can be put on their guard and keeps a strict vigil in all four directions.

Ozark Armament is an important scope that can aid them in their mission as it is one of the best brands that is utilized to the hilt by various army personnel as it is considered the backbone of armaments and cannot be replaced by anything.

1-6×24 SFP

Luckily, there is an important application through which the common citizens can donate for the army, which helps them in getting supplies, which is their way of expressing their generosity towards their soldiers.

using the best long range scope for the money is quite a useful method to deal with enemies on their own terms without the latter having to dictate the terms of their relationship.

SFP is an excellent model when it comes to rifle scopes and they are of sound quality and are the newest additions in the Razorback family. The optic battery and lens is 24m in diameter and the power is 1x-9x.

Also, it has an unlimited warranty which means that it can last for an entire lifetime with no need for upgrading or miscellaneous expenses. Ozark Armaments are indeed one of a kind models.

How To Make a Free And Easy Disney Princess Nametag

Planning and preparing for a trip to Disneyland can be tons of fun, despite the work involved. Many families that are preparing for their trip to Disneyland include various Disney themed items in the process. For example, those planning a trip to Disney might purchase Disney themed clothing for themselves and their children ahead of time to wear while they are at Disneyland. They may also purchase Disney themed luggage to take on their trip to Disneyland, and Disney themed toys for their children to play with during their Disney vacation. For families who have daughters that are fans of the Disney Princesses, there is an abundance of Disney Princess themed items on the market.

Another fun way to incorporate the Disney Princess characters into the planning and preparation phase of your trip to Disneyland, is to create Disney Princess themed nametags to use on the luggage your little girl will be using. Creating Disney Princess themed nametags for your luggage is a fun way to personalize the luggage that your little Disney Princess fans will be using.

Designing a Disney Princess themed nametag is very easy. It is just like looking for the odavad kohvrid online.  Simply choose Disney Princess themed clip art that you want to appear on the nametag. There is an abundance of free Disney Princess clip art to be found on the Internet. Specifically, the website, likely has any Disney Princess clip art that you may be looking for. Simply click on the image to show a larger view, and when it opens up in a new window, right click on the image and save it to your computer. Open up an MS Word document, and insert the clip art image. Then use a font you like to type the name onto the nametag. Many Disney fonts are available online, and MS Word has a font called Waltography MN whose letters are designed to look exactly like Walt Disney’s penmanship. Note: to be able to move the clip art image freely so that you can position it exactly where you like in relation to the name on the tag, right click on the image or choose the text wrapping option in your toolbar while the clip art image is highlighted. Choose to wrap in front of the text. If you’ve already typed your text, it may fall behind the image at this point. Simply place your cursor at the front of the text, and use the space bar to move it forward, out from under the clip art image.

Once you have designed your Disney Princess themed nametags, simply print them. They look best when printed on glossy photo paper because the ink appears shiny. If you don’t have photo paper, card stock would be more sturdy to print on than plain printer paper. When the nametags are printed, cut them to size. Lamination is suggested, and inexpensive lamination products can be found at discount stores such as Wal-Mart. You might even enjoy adding glitter or other sparkly decorations. Finally, use a hole punch to place a hole in the nametags, and then use a zip tie, string, or ribbon to attach your nametag to your luggage.

What Is Embroidery Digitizing, And How Difficult Is It?

Who doesn’t like embroidery? A cool t-shirt with colorful embroidery enhances the grace of the t-shirt. Not only a mere design but also company logo, emblem and many signature things are embroidered in clothes, bags, cap and hats and many other things. Leather or pleather are not the right materials for embroidery. It has to be thread where the embroidery can shape properly. Digitization and embroidery are now combined together to get a perfect look. Embroidery digitizing is a process that helps in converting existing artwork, be it a company logo or team emblem into a stitch file which can be sewed on an embroidery machine.

Whenever a design or logo or anything needs to be embroidered, it has to pass through the digitization. It is a complex process both in terms of science and art. Do you know about the process of digitization? Here are the steps mentioned for your better understanding:

  • First of all, the artwork is examined for details and exact specifications
  • After that, the outline of the file is created by hand to produce a custom stitch file
  • Next, the path through which the needle will go is determined
  • Additional information pertaining to the stitch file is created

The digitizer can also change the type of stitches that is used in the design for the production of the artwork and match with the specifications you have. Basically digitization is the key of embroidery. Only with the professionals of Embroidery Digitizing Service and Vector art Service can help you in this process as it requires a lot of expertise and effort.

Can all files be digitized?

This is a question which can’t be answered in one word. Embroidery creates some limits on the appearance of the design which may not exist in the print design. Every minute details starting fro color gradients and many more can be difficult to create the thread accurately. The suggestions are required for the process of digitization so that the end product can come out to be the best. The artwork must be promising enough so that the digitization and the embroidery can come up as the best. It is to keep in your mind that the end product must be closest to what the artwork looks like. The artwork is the main image that the rest of the process imitates and that’s why it’s important for the artwork to be more than perfect.

Getting the artwork properly digitized needs you to understand the three most crucial steps:

  • You should have a keen understanding of the products and the equipment. If you don’t know what you are going to use in the process, it will not be possible for you to work on it.
  • Second, you have to understand the technology behind it. As the term says digitization, it is obvious that certain technologies are involved in it. Understand that closely and learn how to integrate those.
  • Specific software is required for the process of digitization and you should the utilization of the same.

The Embroidery Digitizing Service and Vector art Service is provided by the professionals only because of the complications it involves. If you are interested in any of it, make sure you contact such professionals.

The Ranch At Steamboat, CO: Comfortable But Affordable Condominiums

As the ski town of Steamboat, CO continues to grow, building new hotels and condos every month, most properties are being absorbed into a huge mass of buildings centered around the ski area’s base. The city has witnessed a surge in the number of penrose floor plans that have taken over the building layouts recently. Condos which once had a beautiful view of the Colorado landscape now face another building only feet away, and the entire ski area is looking more and more like Denver than small town Steamboat. Thankfully, a few properties, The Ranch among them, still offer a more rural location and country-like feel.

The Ranch offers a wide range of condos, from smaller two bedroom units to huge four bedroom condos. All offer a fireplace, at least two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a large TV. One unique feature of this property is that the condos are spread out over two floors–the bedrooms are on one, and the kitchen and living area on the other. This allows families with varying sleep habits to avoid disturbing each other, and gives you more room to spread out. Each condo also offers a balcony, and a beautiful, unobstructed view of the slopes.

Though it may be farther from the ski area than most other lodging, The Ranch makes up for this inconvenience with its excellent shuttle service. During the morning and early evening, when most skiers are either going to or returning from the slopes, the three shuttles loop continuously–the wait for one is rarely more than ten minutes. During other times, the shuttles are on call to take you anywhere within city limits–you must simply call the shuttle number and a shuttle will come pick you up within five to ten minutes. This shuttle service makes a car totally superfluous; I would argue that The Ranch has the best shuttle service in Steamboat.

As is common in Steamboat, the employees, from the shuttle drivers to the managers to the housekeeping staff are all very friendly. Many will strike up a conversation immediately, and can be wonderful sources of information on everything from restaurants to real estate. Staff will do everything to make you feel comfortable, and unlike many other properties, there is a staffed front desk on site during the day.

Though the condos are spacious, some aspects of the units definitely needed improvement. The units are privately owned and maintained, and therefore have very varying degrees of quality; sadly, it is impossible to know which condo you will be staying in until check in. In my condo, some of the carpets were old and stained, and much of the furniture was more like what you might find in a cheap motel than a ski town property. The whole condo had a musty smell to it, and some paintings with broken hangars were lying on the dresser when we arrived. Housekeeping was also sparse, and provided only minimal services such as towl change–unless you are staying for five or more nights, no cleaning will be performed.

Despite its sometimes slightly rundown feel, The Ranch at Steamboat beats almost every other Steamboat property in location, affordability, convenience, and comfort. Many locals, when asked about the best condo property, will immediately refer to The Ranch–clearly, it has a reputation as a great resting place after a long day of skiing. I would recommend the Ranch to anyone not looking for a luxury accomodation–if you need in-room ski fitting, valet parking, and a concierge, look elsewhere; however, for those looking foran affordable yet comfortable condominium, The Ranch is a perfect match.

How Safe Is It To Vape CBD?

Many people enjoy vaping to consume pleasure-inducing chemical products like THC and nicotine, which is a smokeless, and quick-acting method. Recently the CBD products have revolutionized the market with the constant battle over their pros and cons. The good thing is that more choices are now available than before. But the concern is that these products are mostly unregulated, and many manufacturers are cutting corners and producing items of dubious safety standards. CBD vape oil products and the use of cbd vape cartridge are one of the standard segments of the CBD industry. Various manufacturers provide CBD steam juice equipped for e-cigarettes and vaporizers. But the most common question revolving around CBD is, “ Is the vapor of CBD oil safe to consume?” 

Is Vaping CBD Safe? 

CBD products have seen a wide outgrowth in the market due to the entry of new companies. This has led to more choices than ever before, but the only thing to consider is the unregulated supply of these products that can be fatal for your health. Vaping too is a new phenomenon, but the researchers have warned about its danger due to the use of bad quality of flavoring agents and carcinogenic additives. The CBD vape additives are mostly of poor quality in the vaping liquids.

What Are The Safest And Most Reliable CBD Vape Oils In The Market?

CBD oil can be used in various ways, and several CBD lovers are opting to vape. CBD vape oil, or CBD e-juice, or e-fluid, is CBD liquid is designed for use in a vape pen or a similar device. Most people enjoy smoking, and some like regular tincture because CBD steam oil comes in a variety of tastes and flavors. 

You need to learn what the CBD vapor oil comprises of and some of the health risks related to vaping. Below are the top set of the best vapor oils for CBD.

  • CBDfx Vape Juice

CBDFx’s vapor oil is an easy option for you to choose, incorporating lab-tested CBD full-spectrum, delightful taste and clear ingredients that vaporize well. This oil will provide stress relaxation and many other benefits. CBDFx Vape oil comes in six pure aromas, four terpene tastes, and three vapor extracts.

  • Hemp Bombs

Most CBD steam oil users prefer reduced power, but some love the strong effects of CBD vape with higher doses. Hemp Bombs sells CBD E-Liquid, a vapor oil that is appropriate for most vapors regardless of personal choice. 4,000 mg of Hemp Bombs is one of the best in the market for high-dose CBD lovers. More than a dozen gourmet varieties, including chocolate-flavored doughnut, sweet mango, and fresh strawberry milk, are available.

  • Vape Bright

This Vape Light package, which includes the all-inclusive vapor starter kit, consists of pure cbd-separated steam oil, case, adapter, and pump. For those looking, to begin with, vaporization of CBD at an economical price point, this is a perfect choice.

The oil in the cartouche is CBD concentrate, which ensures that no significant amounts of drugs other than CBD are present. Even if this simply relates to choice, isolate is excellent for people who want a pure CBD encounter, without caring about its subtle effects.

Lucky Strike Bowling Alley in Hollywood, California: Review

I know that you can bowl at basically ever city in the United States, so who really wants to go bowling when you are on vacation? Well my husband and I did, and if there is a Lucky Strike Bowling Alley in your area, you are going to want to go also and check this amazing alley out!

The Lucky Strike that I went to was located at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 143 in Hollywood, California. You can also find Lucky Strike Lanes in cities such as Chicago, Illinois, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Las Vegas, Nevada, Louisville, Kentucky and quite a few other cities. They have twelve locations in all and are working on expanding to more cities. You will notice the business by the giant neon bowling pin on the building outside.

Walking into the place I wouldn’t have believed it was a bowling alley until I saw the lanes. The place was amazing! There were beautiful hard wood floors right before the lanes and brown plush carpeting where large comfortable couches and small wooden tables were on. The little side tables next to the couches were the shape of an hour glass. Just like bowling balls, they were very trendy! So go now and find out which top bowling ball is the perfect fit for you

There was somewhere around 15 lanes that you could bowl on. The lanes had lights on them all over the place that made them glow. On each side of the lanes were brick walls with large neon Hollywood signs that had two star burst designs on each side. At the end of each double lane was a large screen that changed from funky shapes, to advertisements, to artwork. They were really neat. I guess there was a private room that you could rent also that had four private lanes in it.

The prices were cheap to bowl also. It was about $6.00 per person per game. Then the shoe rental fee was about $5.00. I thought that was really cheap! In the city in Wisconsin where I live it is just as much to bowl.

Randomly placed between couches and tables, were stylish racks that held twelve bowling balls. They incorporated them in to the decorations and I thought that was really neat. Usually the bowling balls are off in their own little area and hidden from view. But these were out in the middle of everything and it added a cool touch to the area.

Right behind the area where you bowl was a long bar with lots of bar stools. The floor here was a beautiful hard wood floor. The bar was completely made out of a light oak wood and the bar stools were just simple bar stools, but very comfortable. There was also high tables with stools at them situated so that they separated the bar area from the bowling area. So if you didn’t want to bowl, you could sit at these tables and get a great view of your friends bowling or you could watch one of the 6 TV screens that were on.

Then off of the other side of the bar area was the large dining room! It was amazing! There were still the hard wood floors in the area. In the middle of the floor were small tables that sat up to four people. Then along the side of the wall were big half circle booths with high backs on them. They had plush cushions on the seats and the backs.

The dining room served so many great items and it was not your typical bowling alley menu! For appetizers they offered items like skewers, chicken wings, brie, and tomato and cheese s’mores which are a Lucky Strike signature. They also had items like lime shrimp, blue cheese steak salad, burgers, pizza and many other items! Whether you were looking for a nice fancy meal, a quick snack or just a sandwich and fries, Lucky Strike serves it all! And the food is really good. We just ordered the tomato and cheese s’mores to split because we weren’t really that hungry but we had to try those. They were really good.

Then a little bit further back was a very stylish and trendy sitting lounge area. There were funky shaped coffee tables and funky shaped, but very comfortable lounge style rocking chairs. There were also small couches and round chairs that you could relax in. Then facing the alleys was just a long bar type of top and about fifteen stools, so you could watch people bowl from over here. The walls were a deep tone of red with some fun art work on the walls. To complete the relaxing atmosphere, they had candles lit everywhere.

On the walls on one side of the alley, there were giant ceiling to floor black and white pictures. One was of Daffy Duck and one was of the first original Mickey Mouse. It was very cool! Then right next to those was another seating lounge area. This area had two long L shaped light brown shaped couches and a large half square couch. There were also a few lounge style chairs and small wooden tables with plants on them.

The ceiling was in an arc and was made from windows just in that area! It was really cool to look up and see the sky at night! Then along the small white beams that went across the windows, were small spot lights that helped brighten up the room.

Lucky Strike is a crazy and fun bowling alley and nightclub! It was out of this world and like no other bowling alley I have seen before. They do have somewhat of a dress code. They ask you don’t wear baggy clothing, headgear, sleeveless shirts, sweats or sports jerseys or ripped clothes. Otherwise you can wear what you want.

So if you wanted to go and bowl, go and eat, or go and just drink and have a good time, Lucky Strike offers it all in one place. They also have a billiards room if you just feel like playing pool with friends. I highly recommend checking this place out if it is in a city near you! It wasn’t you average every day bowling alley.